Camouflaged merchandise

A badly approached debate

Chemical contraception is widely spread in France (71% of women from 20 to 44 years old use a "contraceptive" method, 40% use the pill(1), 16% use the IUD), and so far there has not been any important protest movement. The only audible opposition comes from the Roman Catholic Church(2), and only from a minimal section of this Church mainly based on theological principles: the "Be fruitful and multiply" from the Genesis and the Onan affair: rejecting procreation, even if it is not through abortion, is considered a sin(3). Recently, pharmacists of Bordeaux region - also Rescuers - have been sued for not allowing the sale of "contraceptive" hormones and the Appeal Court has rejected their case; the Figaro affirms that their behavior was due to their religious thoughts and did not mention their former arguments: the abortive effects of the so-called contraceptives.

The religious argument is the excuse used by the eugenicists´ lobbies and their allies to bury every debate about the question. But we perfectly know that these opponents are basically dishonest.

In fact, the main argument against chemical contraception is that it deals in fact with abortifacient manipulation, which should place the debate on a more serious level since it does not only involve refusing fertility but more precisely murders. We "forgot" to talk about "material elements".

The second argument involves women´s health, seriously endangered by the strong doses of synthetic hormones.

Everybody thinks they know this

For Mr. and Mrs. Everybody, chemical contraception prevents ovulation from taking place, which at the same time prevents fertilization: no human being is then conceived, therefore there is no abortion; on the contrary, the number of abortions could be lowered thanks to the pill. For them, the secondary effects and mortality induced by the "pill" are minimal, negligible and besides, the media keep on repeating it. Chemical contraception is then seen as a minor evil, adapted to the modern world.

These are just simplistic beliefs that are spread just by repeating them; they are just slogans repeated since school time.

The truth:

a) the abortifacient effects

In fact, chemical contraception has always had an abortifacient effect, most of the time hidden. Lets study the technical detail to understand: nowadays there are many categories of chemical contraception:

combined pills or oestroprogestogens: they are compounded by two synthesis hormones: oestrogens and progestogens. The doses have remarkably decreased if we compare them with the first pills in the sixties. we have changed from 150 mg to 20-35 mg of oestrogens, so as to lower the secondary effects that these synthetic hormones always cause. The ovulation rate that was already of 1 to 10%, and consequently the abortifacient effect, have also increased.

the "mini-pills" or only progestogen pills (represent about 10% of pill consumption). They usually contain only one category of hormones, "progestogen", in lower doses and sometimes these vary according to the cycle stage. They must be taken at a fixed time, often throughout the whole cycle. In 30 to 60% of cases these pills do not prevent ovulation.

the implants (Norplant) or the injections (Depo-Provera) release progestogens permanently into the body during several months and cause important secondary effects (blindness, bleedings, obesity, acne, skin discoloration, blood clots, scars)(4).

"the day after" pills, which nowadays we disguise as "urgent contraception" are in fact an abortifacient kit of massive doses of hormones and their aim is to prevent the implantation of the child in the uterus. The "effectiveness" rate is of about 75%. According to the Market Sales Release Authorization, "the therapeutical action is not totally clear. This medicine could retard or inhibit ovulation. Moreover, it could induce modifications to the endometrium and then make it unfit for the implantation of the fertilized ovum. Once the egg is implanted, not even high doses of hormones can prevent the continuation of pregnancy."
The secondary effects on women can be disastrous. However, the Sales Authorization has been issued(5) for a kit called Tétragynon in Europe and Preven in the United States, manufactured by the -- still -- German Schering.

A great propaganda campaign started in 1997 in the United States to promote this method(6), which was less expensive than everyday pills, at least in the Third-World. Baulieu kicked off this campaign in France (7), the French socialist government is about to make its own contribution by launching a great campaign on the same subject. The WHO also spreads the propaganda for this type of abortifacient method by recommending the use of progestogen only, rather than oestroprogestogen.(8).

The RU486 also fits into the "day after"pill category: it is described as such by its promoters abroad.

the copper IUDs, with or without hormonal additive, are placed in the uterus and there they cause an irritation of the uterine mucosa (the endometrium) aimed at making it unfit to host a conceived child. The IUDs do not prevent ovulation and are then mainly abortifacient (blastocides, they say). However, they are officially classified as "contraceptive objects", and their manufacturers try to hold the confusion concerning their therapeutic action by speaking about the mobility of spermatozoids, ovulation, the cervical mucus, which is dishonest.

the anti-pregnancy "vaccination" or anti-hCG, which is still being tested in the Third-World, tries to immunize the mother´s body against the hormone hcg necessary to host the conceived child. They aim at making the uterus completely unfit to host, it is a purely abortifacient method.

None of the therapeutic actions of these products is 100% reliable(9). They vary according to people, the food they eat and the illnesses and treatments they undergo(10). Consequently, a woman using one of the methods described here, even if it is not 100% abortifacient, will never know if she is aborting or not.

Category Type Dose
of oestrogens
Dose of
rate per cycle
combined pill
strong dosage > 50µg 0.5 to 2 mg 1-OV
2 to
Pregnancy rate: 3 to 6% per year.
The first pill (Envoid) had oestrogens in doses of 100µg.
average dosage 20 to 50 µg 1 to 2.5 mg 1-OV
up to
light dosage 20 to 35 µg 0.5 to 1.5 mg
sequential pill
- 0.5 to 10 mg 1-GL
30 to
The ovulation rate increases throughout the intake period
continuous micro-
sequential pill
- 0.03 to 0.6 mg 1-END
The French agency for drug administration says that "the ovulation is supposed to be respected" in these products.
- 150 mg/
3 months
40 to
Pregnancy rate ~ 5% per year. Pregnancy rate increases with time. It is the method preferred by eugenicists for disabled and women of the Third-World: the easiest is to give an injection on the pretext of curing!
- 6 subcutaneous implants/ 5 years 50 to
These implants are specially spread in the Third World by the USAID. Not used in France.
the day after "Yuzpé's"
2 x 100 µg 2 x 500 µg 1-GL
according to
the intake date
in the cycle
Mainly abortifacient.
by the WHO
- 2 x 750 µg 1-END
copper IUDs - -
1-END 100% Purely abortifacient.

Details in the table: Action mode:

OV: anti-ovulation effect; ovulation is inhibited but not in 100% of cases. Moreover, this effect decreases with time and varies according to other factors.

GL: the cervical mucus is thickened and then it slows down or prevents the spermatozoids from passing. The effectiveness of this contraceptive barrier is weak: an experiment on female rabbits concluded that 72% of spermatozoids pass in spite of the effect caused by the synthetic progestogens intake.(11).

END: normally the endometrium vascularity grows so as to be able to host the child by providing him/her oxygen and glucose. The hormonal "contraceptives" prevent a normal development of the endometrium throughout the cycle and so make it unfit to host an eventually conceived child. This effect is abortifacient.

TR: certain hormones used in the "contraceptives" interfere with the passage of the conceived child to the endometrium and they interfere with the flexing and the movements of the cilia inside the fallopian tube: certain products accelerate and others slow down the child´s movement, who is then likely to arrive too early or too late to the uterus. As a result, he will find that the endometrium is not ready or is already deteriorated. Therefore this effect is abortifacient.

b) the secondary effects

The secondary effects of these hormonal products are generally important(12): a synthetic hormone - thus hardly metabolized by the body - interferes with the hormonal balance(13). It has been proved that some of the cancers (neck of the womb, breast cancer) are stimulated or caused by the so called contraceptive pills and that these cause serious cardiovascular disorders. A recent study on 46000 women during the period 1968-1993(14) proved a greater mortality due to cardiovascular diseases or cancer among the pill consumers. These secondary effects are generally minimized by the media, the manufacturers and the eugenic ideologists: we speak about percentages of risks and not about accurate figures of annual decease. However, among the eugenicists, there are groups of ecologists (WWF) to denounce the industrial use of oestrogen disrupters (products that interfere with the oestrogens metabolism by imitating, blocking or canceling them or the production of natural hormones ), like the nonyl-phenol, the octyl-phenol, the PCB (poly-chlorinated biphenyls) the DDT, used in certain plastics, paintings, pesticides, etc... In fact, we have observed a feminization (under-development of male sexual organs and generation of feminine hormones) in some male animals (fish, alligators, turtles) after pollution, even old ones, caused by some of these products. These oestrogen products generally concentrate in fat and they remain in it. These ecologists attribute even a decrease in human male fertility - which they say they have noticed - to the same reasons(15). However, the dosages found in the polluted natural environments are infinitesimal [30mg of nonylphenol per liter of water, one thousand times are enough with the octylphenol and the fish do not drink all the water] compared with the dosages imposed to a woman who takes the pill.

Ecologists and the media put special emphasis on industrial pollution, while neck of the womb cancers increased by 50% throughout the period when the hormonal "contraception" was introduced in Western countries: in the Eastern countries and in Japan, where it has not been introduced, their cancer rates are much lower than in ours although industrial pollution is much worse!

But there are two weights and two measures, according to the political goal followed: the pill makes part of the foundations of the "advanced liberal society" started by the social traitor Giscard D´Estaing. Therefore, it is also taboo, even if it kills and sickens human beings; animals are in our society, more important than humans and so deserve that we regulate a bit more the chemical industry!

c) the pedophobic mentality

Chemical contraception, due to its relatively easy use, has permitted the soon trivialization of a hedonistic mentality, that considers the child, above all, as a nuisance. This contraceptive mentality promotes abortion, according to what we can observe in the field. They sell to the young the idea of sexuality as an object of consumption, with the corresponding chemical paraphernalia, which allows them to have an "open sexual life", clearly speaking "irresponsible promiscuity". The result is a considerable increase of teenage pregnancy, an excuse for the increase of "contraceptive" pressure and the cause of a great number of a surgical abortions, considered as the spare wheel of a failing contraception. Even the French Demographic Studies Institute (INED), a State organization, recognizes now that contraception does not prevent abortion, but multiplies it.(16).

Our responsibility

A woman who uses the hormonal "contraception", even if it is not highly abortifacient, she never knows if she is aborting or not, it is like playing the Russian roulette (on child´s temple). Actually, many chemical abortions are caused by this means. We are before a problem similar to the polluted blood: we take a risk with somebody else´s life to get personal profit; refusing to know or not asking at all does not relieve us of responsibility; refusing to take knowledge into account states the guilt, at least that is the case of promoters and manufacturers(17).

As there are no statistics about the number of abortions provoked by this means, we could calculate a range of 400,000 to 2 millions per year in France.

This message must be urgently spread and as a start, those who do not want abortion should stop using these camouflaged abortifacient means.


To reach the universal usage of these abortifacient devices, while most of the population of the world is a priori against abortion, it has been necessary to lie, and lie, and to install effective disinformation devices:

The first stage, infiltration:

to "make people swallow the pill" they have hidden its abortifacient nature, which was suspected from the beginning and was quickly confirmed.

Thus, in 1965, a catholic woman said: "The question in my mind was, How does it work? (...) I know that one university theologian was alarmed about the moral implications. (...) The main question was: Does it prevent conception--or does it destroy the fetus after conception occurs? Nobody knew quite how the Pill worked."(18), this did not bar her from taking the pill all the same...

The eugenicist lobby had begun to hush up the affair: the Swedish researcher Bent Boving had already commented as follows on a Parenthood Planning / Population Council symposium in 1959: "Finally, the fact of giving implantation control the advantage of being socially considered as conception prevention rather than the destruction of an initiated / established pregnancy, is simply the habit of prudent language"(19).

Indeed at that time (1964), the Population Council very well knew that the acceptance or rejection of their products relied on their being abortifacient or not.

In 1969, the FDA Consulting Committee (USA), under the direction of doctor Philip Corfman issued the following report on the use of the "pill": "The second major effect is on the endometrium. The progestin acts as an antiestrogen causing alteration in endometrial glands and as a progestin, causing pseudodecidual reactions. Both of these alter the ability of the endometrium to participate in the process of implantation."(20).

Like all other scientific reports, this one and the others were not easily available to the general public. Several books have been published about the secondary effects on women. Generally, they are overwhelming and cast doubt on the pharmaceutical industries, not very inclined to see its clients diminish. Among these books, the "Dossier Hormones"(21) by B. and G. Seaman is remarkable: the authors, of a feminist-eugenicist mind analyze the facts ; this book, published in 1977 in the United States, is published in France in 1982, translated among others by Maya Surduts, who reappears later in the CADAC (extremist anti-Rescue group) seeking to promote the "pill".

We are wrong if we think that we failed to communicate the abortifacient nature of hormonal contraceptives. Reality is even more disturbing: anyway the public did not want to know about it: in the short run, chemical contraception permitted women to best plan their professional and family life, within a context of family devaluation and ever growing fiscal and social pressure. This new technique also permitted to vulgarize the sexual revolution, sold as a liberation from oppressing and unfair taboos.

The second phase, consolidation,

consists in changing the sense of words to strengthen the ignorance of reality . First, they seek to deceive people about the human nature of the embryo. The American Academy of Gynecology invents a new definition of "conception" in 1965: "Conception is the implantation of fertilized ovum".

A new definition of the word "abortion" then appeared: make the embryo die after implantation, thus assimilating abortion to the mechanic phenomenon of pulling the foetus out from the uterus and not to moral or criminal accusation anymore. The advertisement of "emergency contraception" states: "(...) emergency contraceptive pills (...) does not cause an abortion. (In fact, because emergency contraception helps women avoid getting pregnant when they are not ready or able to have children, it can reduce the need for abortion.) Emergency contraceptive pills or the IUD as emergency contraception work before pregnancy begins. According to leading medical authorities (...) pregnancy begins when the fertilized egg implants in the lining of a woman's uterus. Implantation begins five to seven days after sperm fertilizes the egg, and the process is completed several days later. Emergency contraception will not work if a woman is already pregnant."(22)

Baulieu, who is the media voice and promoter of the RU486 -- which he has never invented, let's not disappoint his flatterers --, makes the promotion of the abortifacient preimplantation drugs with the same argument, while he has recognized that the embryo is a human being from fertilization (process Nathanson/ Baulieu 1992).

Occidental countries legislated within confusion maintained(23): That is how the IUD and the hormone pills have been classified as "contraceptive" means.

Other language subversions are also being operated by the same eugenicist industrial complex focusing the Third World countries opposed to abortion: in Bangladesh they talk about extraction or about menstrual regulation: the word abortion would start repression, the replacement words, manipulated with art, will make the change.

The third phase, deployment,

consists in going even further and to shift the words sense a bit more, up to the point of inverting the sense: by calling contraception to the abortion , and bioethics, to eugenics. Thus they present abortion as a means to save lives. The WHO calculates unreliable figures of dead women as consequence of clandestine abortions (they have just passed from 200,000 to 80,000 women / year in the world in a mysterious way)(24) since by definition that which is clandestine is impossible to count. In contrast they accuse the pro-life of killing abortionists (who is benefiting from these crimes, but the pro-abortion lobby?).

It is also the sense of the present campaign in favor of massively abortifacient drugs (low dosage pills, RU486, Tétragynon, Preven, etc...), on the pretext of reducing the doses and therefore the secondary effects, together with the mass media construction smokescreen of "genetic manipulations ", which the press always represents as dangerous if a hypothetical military (eugenicist dictator, the word is old-fashioned) wanted to make use of them. Thus they seek to hide the real contemporary eugenics which is shown in the violent depopulationist maneuvers in the Third World and in the increasing exploitation of the very young human beings: fabrication of cells, vaccines, sera, of organs for transplants, experiments of transplantation of human organs to animals and vice-versa, tests to measure the efficacy of chemical substances or of vaccines against inoculated diseases or tests of chemical or biological weapons to develop "ethnical weapons"; today, it is less expensive (sale forbidden, free transfer) to use a human embryo(25), or a fetus, or a child aborted through a caesarian at eight months, to make these abhorrent experiments (civil and military, which do not have any equivalent in history but the "experiments" of Mengele/ Von Vershuer, Clauberg, Ishi, etc.), than using monkeys or rats, increasingly protected by their friends, the ecologists. But they will attest that they are not seeking to make fair haired and blue eyed children(26). On the other hand, they know very well how to select big amounts of children for reimplantation in IVF/ET. woe betide the one who as a suspect gene, he will end in a lab or in the drainage!

What is really at stake

Sexual revolution, invented together and separately by the eugenicists of Sanger's sphere of influence (today represented by Planned Parenthood) and by the Marxist revolutionaries (Wilhelm Reich, Gramsci, represented today in France by the leftist-communist, now in power), is an extremely powerful tool used to change values and behavior. By leading the population to its own corruption through unhealthy practices, they become an immoral people thus incapable of fighting injustice, of righting a wrong: when you are implicated, you cannot protest anymore, because, in fact you are an accomplice, you would go back on your decision.

At the same time, the encouragement of unemployment and of material misery through the large-scale exploitation of society by the State (excessive taxes and levies), weakens the capacity of reaction of the population and increases the pressure it undergoes.

Social engineering is then possible on this anaesthetized and conditioned "mass" in order to attempt to carry out important utopia: therefore it is necessary for these to be carried out, that the human nature changes and that a human evolution (in the Darwinian sense) takes place. These utopia are eugenicist and elitist; in spite of their propaganda, they are not focused to the general wealth but to the interest of the ruling classes, which estimate that the most important part of the population is inferior to them, and should have the rank of animals.

These policies are fully unrealistic on the long run and absurd (if we considered that their promoters are sincere), which does not bar them from carrying them out with enthusiastically and causing damages. It is within this frame that we can find compulsory abortions (China) and masked sterilization (Philippines, India, Mexico, Peru, etc...), abortions camouflaged as contraception (everywhere), with the financial and logistic support of the UN through its different branches: the UNFPA, the UNICEF, the WHO.

The first victims are children and women. The aimed at target is the family institution, namely in order to prevent it from playing its counter-power role in view of the State's hegemony and of the UN. That is the reason why it is possible to find Marxists of all kinds whose god is the almighty State.

Besides this political motive, we can find a religious masked motive. The will to make people abort, i.e. to kill human beings, is essential to a large number of paganisms and in witchcraft: sacrifice, above all human sacrifice, permits to obtain the "powers".

Moreover, one of the activities and sources of important revenues of witchcraft has been since ancient times the preparation of abortifacient filters, (the word "pharmacy" comes from the Greek word "pharmakeia" which means "witchcraft").(27)

Therefore it is natural that abortion and eugenics promoters have affinity with New-Age (the contemporary revival of paganisms) and witchcraft. It is possible to find in their ways of going about things a certain number of permanent features peculiar to alchemy, its main occidental branch, such as:

the replacement of science by superstition and dangerous, not very scientific makeshifts, including the spiritual elements (sacrifice of children); the UN is increasingly openly in line with this promotion of superstition: its promotion of the "earth's chart " shows its materialist pantheism, worshipper of Gaia, mother Earth, in opposition to all monotheisms. The interest of human beings is not the main concern, but that of a "deity", the earth, for which they would only be a threat; therefore it is necessary that they do not grow too much, from which the concept of "sustainable development" (for Gaia) is derived as well as the promotion of eugenics and of depopulation.

the search for the philosopher's stone: that which would transform today's "savage" humankind in a "superior" humankind, which would also solve the [false] problem of overpopulation; thus eugenicists dream of cheap and very effective sterilization, in this connection they seek to introduce the so called contraceptives in the Third World, by explaining that they will become gold, that of an economic development caused because of a lowering in the fertility rate (which is an economic absurdity!),

fraud: the deceit as to the merchandise and the laziness of alchemists; in fact "the most typical motive of alchemists isn't but (...) their lack of capacity to earn their living like everyone else and the desire to survive otherwise than through agriculture, commerce, craft or industry. (...) They prefer to become rich all of a sudden through supernatural means such as alchemy."(28). Isn't that a good description of Sanger, Pincus, and other sorcerer's apprentices? Is there a more disloyal means of facing emerging countries's competition than eliminating them physically?

What can we do?

Isn't there any woman in France who has felt cheated, deceived, manipulated after having used chemical contraception in good faith, sincerely believing that she had not committed abortion? Wouldn't it be possible to take proceedings because of fraud with goods sold, poisoning,, etc. Do the parents of a young woman who was poisoned with the "pill" consider the loss of their daughter as a small percentage?

While boycott is not legal in France, at least pressure on the manufacturers could be exerted: Roussel-Uclaf had to be sensitive to it.
The power of truth can change many things, it will finally remain, even if it is difficult to convey the message, as far as a big portion of the public does not want to listen to it.

But we are not here to tell stories to please our contemporaries.


Notes :

1. For a total of 4,320,00 (Le Figaro, Jan.8, 1999).

2. The beginning of the protestant churches downfall started in 1930 when the Lambeth Conference of anglican bishops accepted the use of artificial means of contraception in exceptional situations. It was the work of an active minority, one of whom was the Very Reverend William R. Inge, influential member of the English Eugenics Society, spokesperson of the anglican church in London, and and admirer of Margaret Sanger since 1920, whose book "Woman and the New Race" he had read. Soon followed most of the denominations known as "liberal" encouraged by Margaret Sanger's dollars and lobbyists. Thus we can find in the fifties the methodist churches, which distributed IUDs and the French reformed church that since 1974 has supported the law of abortion! The French reformed church had modestly started in the fifties to accept "contraception" in "extreme cases".

3. From this perspective, it will be its own condemnation and voluntary restraint: the one who has no descendants does not convey his mores to his children.

4. The Norplant has been tested in the Third-World countries since 1972 (Haiti, Brazil, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Jamaica, Chile, Dominican Republic). The BBC produced and broadcast in 1995 a documentary film, which shows the non professional and illegal way in which clinical tests were carried out in Bangladesh. There women testified that they had serious secondary effects and declared they had never been warned about the experimental nature of Norplant nor about the possible risks. Moreover, they were not allowed to have the product removed. The Population Council is the owner of the product´s license, which was developed by Sheldon Segal of the Rockefeller Foundation. The Norplant was approved in the United States just at the end of 1990 and is manufactured by Wyeth-Ayerst. We estimate that 2.5 million women have got a Norplant implanted. So far today there are about 50,000 judicial proceedings against this manufacturer in the United States due to its secondary effects. The Norplant is recommended by these promoters to women "of developing countries" or affected by "puerility" or "mental despise".

5. Our bizarre doctor aux pieds nus / health minister Kouchner wishes that this drug was administered without prescription (Le Monde du 22-23 nov. 1998). This reminds us the way in which the Chinese government risks the lives of Chinese women by making them abort with the RU486 although the infrastructure needed to use this dangerous product is inexistent.

6. First a test campaign was launched in 5 American villages, with TV , radio, newspapers spots, etc., all under the aegis of the Population Research Department at Princeton University, whose principal James Trussel supports the militant group "Reproductive Health Technology Project" (cf. This campaign ended in 1998 with the FDA approval in the United States and later introduction in the official market of Preven, here known as Tétragynon, an abortifacient pill called "the day after" pill manufactured by the German Schering A.G. Some months later, Tétragynon obtained the Market Sales Release Authorization in France.

7. See Le Quotidien du Médecin issued on 10/30/1998, "Contraception in 1998: you should not believe at all that everything is perfect" ("La contraception en 1998: surtout ne pas croire que tout est parfait") where Baulieu promotes the chemical abortion again under the name of "urgent contraception" or "delayed contraception". He was accompanied in these approaches by Elisabeth Aubény, an executive in Broussais, who had just created an association for the promotion of "urgent contraception" (ADCU). We could also notice the little importance given to this abortifacient system by certain associations which are supposed to fight against abortion: thus Pregnancy Help (Grossesse Secours), granted by the city of Paris, has recommended for years the use of the Yuzpé method on its Minitel (3615 SOSG)!

8. The WHO press release issued on 8/7/1998 quoted a publication in the Lancet issued on 8/8/98 on the results of a study financed by the UNDP, the UNFPA, the WHO and the World Bank ; this study carried on 1998 women attempts to prove that "the day after pills" made only of progestogen are more efficient than those made of oestroprogestogen (the so called Yuzpé´s method). In this press release the WHO betrays itself: it affirms that 80,000 women die every year as a consequence of "nonmedical" abortions; for many years, the figure declared by the WHO was 200,000!

9. The rate of pregnancies that occur in spite of the pill intake is of 3% per year with the combined pills: spermatozoids pass well, ovulation and later fertilization occur successfully and in spite of the endometrium´s deterioration, the child is successfully hosted in those cases!

10. Without going into technical details specific of each kind of product, here is a list of the treatments that interfere with the contraceptive effects of these products: barbiturates, antituberculosis drugs, antiepileptic, certain antimycotics and antibiotics, tranquillizers, sedatives, analgesics, antihistaminic, neuroleptics, antimigraine, cytostatics, hypolipemiant, myorelaxant, laxatives. Additionally, specific diseases also decrease their effects: diarrhea, vomits. The secondary effects and the interactions with other drugs are widely documented in the Internet ( etc...).

11. Chang MC, Hunt DM. Effects of various progestins and estrogen on the gamete transport and fertilization in the rabbit. Fertlity and sterility. 1970; 21: 683-686

12. A recent work (A consumer guide to the pill and other drugs, John Wilks, B.Pharm. M.P.S., Sept.97, ed. ALLInc., USA) takes stock of the research in this field, which fully proves the toxicity of the different hormonal "contraceptions". The media and the eugenic side have always tried to hide and minimize these consequences, while the scientific research is serious and overwhelming! Wilks notices the complicity of the Public Health administrators in deliberately misinforming women about the risks of their health.

13. which is not the case of natural hormones generally edible (in the leguminous plants, etc...) because they are digested and "degraded "

14. Le Figaro issued on 1/8/1999: "the mortality rate as a result of stroke, accident or suicide has clearly increased with this contraception. (...) with the use of the pill we have noted an increase of liver cancer (126 among the pill consumers against 34 among the others), lung cancer (107 in the first group, 71 in the other one) and cancer of the neck of the womb (115 in the first group and 57 in the other one) (...) the lung cancer risk is multiplied by two and the neck one by four in women who have taken the pill for more than ten years." Le Figaro hastens to add that these results are not significant; will those of the WHO be more important since they were carried on 1998 women and not on 46,000? Media headlines are significantly partial: le Figaro entitles " the minimal risks of the pill" , le Nouvel Observateur " The pill: no long-term risk" (1/14/1999), la Croix " Ten years after giving up the pill, its harmful effects disappear" (1/9-10/1999).

15. if eugenicists had dreamed about this, the industry would have done it: in 1969, in Dacca, when the International Planned Parenthood Conference took place, Paul Ehrlich (of the Zero Population Growth) recommended the Federal American Government to release some funds to grant the development of massive sterilizing products which would be poured in the running water distribution systems. Accidents due to "oestrogen disrupters" do not seem to be intentional but we wonder which could be the origin of the oestrogen found in the rivers in England: could it be the remains of "contraceptive" pills thrown in the drains? We have not yet identified in these effluents its principal molecule (the ethanol-estradiol).

16. Léridon of the French Demographic Studies Institute (INED), quoted by l'Express in its issue of 10/8/1998: "Unplanned children are less accepted now than in the past ".

17. manufacturers among which Roussel-Uclaf, which name is now Hoechst-Marion-Roussel (or Aventis), appears as the largest provider of ethinyl-estradiol, an oestrogen component of most of the oestroprogestogen pills. There was a logic in the promotion of the RU486.

18. The Pill: a biography of the drug that changed the world, Bernard Asbell, Random House, 1995, p.267

19. Bent Boving, "Implantation Mechanisms", in Mechanisms Concerned with Conception, ed. C. G. Hartman, (NY: Pergamon Press, 1963), 386

20. Advisory Committee on Obstetrics and Gynecology, Food and Drug Administration, 1969, Second Report on the Oral Contraceptives, app.4, "Report of the Task Force on Biologic Effects", Philip Corfman, Chairman.

21. Women and the Crisis in Sex Hormones by Barbara and Gideon Seaman, ed. Rawson Associates, 1977

22. in the Internet:

23. Baulieu himself describes this vagueness: "It must be noticed that, between the Neuwirth law, related to contraception, and the Veil law, on voluntary interruption of pregnancy, the whole battery of regulations does not take into account the intermediate period going from ovulation to the positive diagnosis of pregnancy, passing by the preparation of the endometrium and the beginning of implantation", in Le Quotidien du Médecin, 10/30/1998.

24. c.f. the same press release issued by the WHO.

25. Unfortunately we do not invent anything, for this can be found in the ordinary press: le Monde on its issue of 11/7/1998 recounts the first results of an American research: "These researchers reveal (...) having managed to isolate and cultivate human embryonic cells naturally capable of transforming and multiplying ad infinitum in a laboratory and susceptible of giving birth to different tissues making part of the human body. (...) It was also discovered that by introducing a gene coming from a carcinogenic virus -SV40 virus- in ex vivo human cells, it gave them an unilimited division potential. This has permitted the creation of stocks of cells coming from certain organs: liver, kidneys, cartilage... Such stocks of differentiated cells are of great interest in cell pharmacology research. In the industrial domain, they can sometimes replace the animal models. (...) The American team explains (...) having (...) managed to create ex vivo five ES human cell stocks [for Embryonic Stem cells], from thirty six "fresh" or frozen embryos, all of them conceived by in vitro fertilization"

26. which is true but they still do not know quite well how to do it, but it is about a plastron: this reminds us of the nazi horrors, and we establish ourselves as fierce opponents to better recover the spirit.

27. We find here for example this collusion in the affair of poisons that took place under the reign of Louis XIV and that shed light on the mixed practices of witchcraft, human sacrifies, divination, alchemy, abortions and poisonings, related to the high society of that time (among which was Mme de Montespan, the king's favourite) ; at that time the king protected his friends and did not allow the justice to punish but the others, among which were those carrying out the actions. Among the latter, "la Voisin", a witch and abortionist of more than 2500 children; "la Filastre" who cut her own children's throats in sacrifice; Guibourg, Cotton and other perverted priests.

28. Ibn Khaldûn, Discours sur l'histoire universelle [Introduction to Universal History], 1377. True, the alchemists have a sort of affinitiy with forged currency.

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