Condemned latex

Tom Coburn, doctor and former Christian-Republican congressman, requested in June 2000 a report on the real effectiveness of condoms in the protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Congress approved the request, and a group of 28 experts was formed to make a critical summary of all the research material already published on the subject. This group worked on June 12 and 13, 2000, and came up with a 46 page report entitled «Workshop Summary: Scientific Evidence on Condom Effectiveness for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Prevention» [1]. This report was recently made public… on July 20, 2001, a year after!

It can be summarized in the following table:

Name of STD

New cases
per year / USA

Today’s total
cases USA

Condom effectiveness

HIV (Aids)



Relative risk = 0.15

Gonorrhea (blennorrhagia)



Women: No evidence of clinical effectiveness

Men: some effectiveness


3 million

2 million

No evidence of clinical effectiveness


5 million


No evidence of clinical effectiveness




No evidence of clinical effectiveness

Herpes Genitalis


45 million

No evidence of clinical effectiveness

HPV (Human Papillomavirus)

5.5 million

20 million

No evidence of clinical effectiveness

Therefore, results show that condoms do not protect most cases of STD, especially HPV (which increases the risk of cancer.)

We can also observe that condoms have a failure rate of 1 to 6 in the prevention of AIDS, which our friends from HLI have said for years, so condoms are, basically, the same as the Russian roulette; this did not prevent the CDC in its press release to present this report with the title: «Scientific Review Panel Confirms Condoms Are Effective Against HIV/AIDS, But Epidemiological Studies Are Insufficient for Other STDs».

In addition, the report highlights a phony theoretical calculation model to inflate effectiveness, rather than following the empirical experiment observation, the only scientifically valid. This, plus the voluntary delay of the publication, is enough to show the ill faith of this public administration, which is always practicing the politically correct of the Holy Condom cult, even at the hands of crystal clear evidence.

That is why more than 10,000 doctors and health professionals have issued an official protest requesting President Bush:
  the dismissal of Jeffrey P. Koplan, CDC Director, Clintonian vestige of the former administration,
  mandatory labeling warning on the risks currently known, like the practice already in force for smoking,
  the suspension of federal subsidies to condom promoters and distributors who do not inform correctly the risks, buy lie talking about «safe sex»,
  a parliamentary inquiry commission on this sanitary scandal.

In France, our biggest condom promoters are Kouchner and Douste-Blazy. They have not said a word on this matter. They are probably more politicians than doctors.

© TDD December 2001

Notes :

[1]. Available here, the original link in provided an illegible file [but has been restored in June 2008].

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