Abortion in photographs

Why talk about abortion in a site dedicated to contraception?

Because, unlike the legends spread by the French State and eugenics organizations, contraception does not reduce the number of abortions, in fact it is actually the opposite! (See the press articles published at the end of 2004)

Abortion is the logical outcome of abortion. Every country that legalizes chemical "contraception," a few years later legalizes abortion; this is an inevitable truth. And abortion, once legalized, has a multiplier effect 4 or 5 times greater.

Abortion is not a concept. It is certainly not an idea, nor a debate for society. It is a massacre.

A massacre of children who might have lived, but a system thought they were not worthy of living; leaving very deep consequences in their mothers…

Those who benefit from abortion say that the only thing in the mother’s womb is a "ball of blood" or just a "cluster of cells." With the original photos published here, you will be able to verify for yourself who is telling the truth.


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